LeBron James’s Politics Stop at the Water’s Edge: By Dave Zirin

LeBron James’s Politics Stop at the Water’s Edge
The King was asked about the relationship between China and the NBA, and did not cloak himself in glory.

By Dave Zirin

Ever since his electric teenage debut in the NBA, LeBron James has been torn. He has wanted to be unimaginably wealthy, but he has also wanted to be a global icon like Muhammad Ali. For 16 years he walked that line remarkably well, being outspoken on issues of racism, police violence, and education while also amassing enormous wealth. He has managed to become that rarest of commodities: the activist mogul. Yet this tension is a delicate one, ready to crack like an egg at the slightest pressure. Muhammad Ali of course is a global icon for what he sacrificed, not for what he earned. LeBron this morning has yolk all over his face, and washing it off will not be easy.

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